Having done a good deal of substitute teaching in my day, I wanted to write another post about the importance of having some sort of plan in place for when there is a substitute teacher or substitute nurse at school. This time of the year is an especially busy time of the year for substitutes. If your school uses a computerized system for substitute job assignments and/or does not interview substitutes--as is the case in many public school systems--just about anyone who hands in the requisite paperwork may substitute. They may not have a certification as a teacher or experience with children at all. Can you depend on them to recognize an allergic reaction? or an asthma attack?
This is another good reason to make sure you have a good plan in place. Your child's regular teacher or the regular school nurse may have it down to a science and you may all be on the same page, but what if there's a substitute? Do your plans depend on a certain person being present or is there something in writing in place, that will work even if the usual players are out?
Now is a great time to review your child's Individual Health Plan, Emergency Action Plan, or 504 plan. How has it worked so far? Have you run into any situations that weren't addressed when the plan was written? Make sure your plan is working how you want and get a good start on 2013.
1 comment:
Excellent point! My daughter became very agitated and upset last year when there was a sub that she thought was food allergy educated. In fact, she was but I appreciated that my daughter knew subs could mean potential danger.
She is old enough now to ask the sub if she is aware of her food allergies and does she know how to use an Epi Pen. Thanks for sharing...this is an important reminder.
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