With an eye on the food allergy community as a unique group of consumers since 2008, we're on a quest to find and share ways to continue enjoying the good things in life.

27 September 2008

A Post Worth Reading

I have a long list of blogs I visit every few days.  I enjoy reading what other people are talking about and I usually learn something during each visit.  "Word of mouth" on the internet is amazing, isn't it?  How I treasure freedom of speech!  Sometimes I hear about new products--like the cup-a-cake container--or food allergy friendly restaurants, challenges at school or work, and sometimes the blogs just make me think.  

One of my favorite blogs is "Every Day with Food Allergies ".  The writer, purplemommy, wrote a great post entitled Firsts that is a must read.  I wanted to write in a comment but it's hard to think of what to say because she said it all so well.  Please take a look for yourself!  All I can say is "wow".

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