I have found nothing else in life as inspiring as my children. When my younger son was diagnosed with life threatening food allergies, I made it my mission to learn as much as I could to keep him safe, and make life as good as possible for him despite the food allergies. Blogging has given me a way to share information with others managing food allergies and to express myself in writing. On those rare occasions when I construct a blog post that really strikes home with others, I feel proud and gratified. There is a sense of connection, and I enjoy it. When I write a blog post, I generally try to focus on the positive and good things that are allergen-free, or the promise of things that may make life easier for those with food allergies. You may have noticed, however, from time to time I do write about the need for better labeling or avoiding cross-contamination; I guess I like a healthy vent every now and again! (who doesn't!?)
If you read food allergy blogs or belong to food allergy groups on Facebook, you'll read quite a few posts about how challenging life with food allergies is, and it's true! It can be difficult, frustrating, and stressful, and the more food allergies you have to manage, the harder it can be. Food allergies require constant vigilance, so there is never really a break, but it is important to try to keep a balance so food allergies don't become overwhelming. Food allergies should not rule your life!
If you find yourself feeling down or frustrated about life with food allergies (or life in general), please take a few minutes--12 minutes and 46 seconds to be exact!--to learn about one young man's "
Philosophy for a happy life". It's pretty amazing!
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