With an eye on the food allergy community as a unique group of consumers since 2008, we're on a quest to find and share ways to continue enjoying the good things in life.

30 July 2012

Food Allergy Parody Video

This video really caught my eye. It's One Grain More--a food allergy parody of Les Miserables--the brainchild of Michael Bihovsky. I watched it a few times and couldn't get over the singing. I mean...wow! It's food allergies on Broadway. Then, I visited Michael's website, and discovered that he is a professional actor, composer, playwright, and more. Wow again! He and his talented friends perform in this amazing video. It's funny, it's creative, it's clever, it's GREAT!

Michael suffers from a number of food allergies and sensitivities--including wheat, milk, eggs, soy, peanut, coffee, and a number of other foods--which he lists at the beginning of the video. Lily, who plays Cosette, in the video has food allergies as well. These are artists who really know their subject.

Please have a look, and a listen, and share with your food allergy friends!

features Michael Bihovsky, Lily Bayrock, Michael DeFlorio, and Megan Ermilio.

To learn more about how Michael came to write One Grain More, please read The Creation of One Grain More on Michael's blog.

Thank you, Michael, for creating One Grain More and sharing it with us!

1 comment:

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Ok, I laughed so hard it made me cry. That was great :)